Next Generation Data Quality for your Ads

Unlock unparalleled results with Mable's cutting-edge tracking architecture. Combined with live monitoring 
and enriched data, Mable is the solution for maintaining profitable campaigns amidst growing technical and legal hurdles.

More Data leads to More profitable Marketing

Mable Tracking

Makes the Difference

In a landscape of growing technical complexities and legal hurdles, traditional tracking methods can’t keep up anymore.

While pixels offer simplicity, they compromise on precision. Server-side Tracking offers inital improvements but introduces complexity while fundamentally retaining the inherent limitations of the pixel.

Mable delivers a breakthrough in tracking, ensuring unmatched data clarity inside your ad accounts.

Tracking Data doesn’t need to be a Black Box

With Mable you are in full controll of your Tracking

Tracking quality

Learn to trust your Tracking again

Learn to trust your Tracking again! Do you know how many Conversions your current Tracking is missing? While existing tracking solutions leave you uncertain, if the numbers in your ad account can actually be trusted, Mable doesn’t only promise 100% data quality, but instead let’s you check for yourself.With the Mable Monitoring Dashboard you can make sure that all conversions have been captured and processed correctly!

Alert system

Get notified when something seems off

How long does it take for you to notice when your Tracking is broken? And how long till you know how to fix it? Sometimes Shop Updates or changes in your Theme  can lead to tracking issues. With campaigns running 24/7 not noticing these issues can cause data loss and significant costs. With Mable you get informed immediately, even if something in your data just looks kind of odd.

GDPR insights

Optimize your Cookie Banner

How many conversions are you missing because the user clicked “no” in your cookie banner? Badly optimized Consent banners are an often overlooked cause of tracking data loss. The problem is, most shops have no idea, how much data they are losing this way and how to improve this. Mable shows you, if your cookie tool is working correctly and offers precise statistics on how many users accepted or denied your tracking. Use these insights to optimize your consent banner and maximize your data quality!

Data control

Take control of your Data

Are you aware that your data is an asset? Who is currently in control of your data? In the past, Conversion Data in your shop was directly captured  by the pixel of the advertisement platforms, with no insight or storage capabilities for you. With Mable, you have full visibility into your tracked data. You can easily integrate Mable with a data warehouse via an ETL process to feed the data into your own dashboards and analyses.

Try it yourself!
Try it yourself!
Filter Customer Events?
All Customers
Send only those Conversions you want to optimize for

Make the Algorithm 
Follow your Goals

The Algorithm tries to optimize the number of Conversions and the revenue, based on the Tracking data it receives. With Mable you are in control of this data input so you can use it, to align the Algorithm optimization with your Business goals.

Do you want the algorithm to only target New Customers? Do you want it to prioritize people who buy your subscription instead of a One-Time-Purchase? Or do you want it to prioritize Customers above a certain Conversion Value?

With Mable you can easily configure your individual Tracking to tell the Algorithm exactly what you want!

You can Test Mable in your own Ad Account!

Validated by Meta!

To validate the impact of Mable's superior data quality, we partnered with Meta for an extensive study of 25 A/B tests across 23 brands, comparing Mable against industry-standard tracking. The outcome? Mable causes uplifts in ROAS, purchases and AOV!

Mable is GDPR compliant
Made and Hosted in Germany

Developed for the latest GDPR Standards

As a EU based tracking solution, we highly value Data Privacy. That’s why we decided to integrate specialized Data Privacy Lawyers directly into the development our our Software.

This way we ensure, that our Software is always up to date and complies with the newest regulations - to protect the data of your customers and to make sure, you don’t have to worry about legal risks.

Simple, Fast, No Developer Needed

Easy Integration
 with just a few clicks

Thanks to our Shopify-App and Shopware-Plugin, integrating Mable into your shop happens in just a few clicks - without having to touch any code. You can easily connect your Consent Tool and all your advertising platforms  via the Mable dashboard.

Once you are done, the tool will tell you if everything is connected successfully.
If any questions remain, our Support Team will gladly assist you via Slack.

Our Pricing Model

Calculate your Mable Price
Where do you want to send the data?
Meta Logo
Google Ads Logo
Pinterest Logo
TikTok Logo
How many Events do you have in your shop per month?
Need to find your number of Events?
Check out the Tutorial
< 150k
< 500k
< 5M
< 10M
tier 1
Per Month
Up to 150k Events
Per Month
1 Destination

The Price is calculated dynamically at the end of each month based on the number of events tracked by Mable in that month.

Any Questions?

What’s the difference between Mable and other Tracking Tools?

We are often asked if Mable is comparable to other tools like Triplewhale, Tracify or other attribution tools. However, those tools are a completely different category of tools with a different purpose. These tools offer external attribution analysis, without passing the data to the algorithm.

Mable, on the other hand, records the conversion events in the shop as precisely and completely as possible and transfers this data directly to the platform algorithms via the Conversion API.

Is Mable GDPR compliant?

In the development of Mable we are working very closely with a Law Firm that specializes in Data Privacy to make sure Mable always complies with the most recent data privacy laws.  

Like all Tracking Tools, Mable can only track users in the EU if they have given their Consent to being tracked. As long as Mable is connected to the Consent Banner in your Shop, Mable tracking is 100% GDPR compliant.

Out of the box Mable can be integrated with most Consent Banners on the market. If you are using a special Consent Banner, you can always connect it manually to Mable via our Custom Consent API.

Why do companies use Mable?

With Mable, companies ensure that the advertising platforms they spend thousands of dollars on each month work as cost-efficient and accurate as possible to maximize the Return on Investment of their Marketing Spend. Through better Insights Mable also helps with decision making and budget allocation.

Which attribution windows does Mable support?

Since Mable focuses purely on accurate conversion data collection and sends this data directly to your advertising platform, Mable is not bound to any specific Attribution Window. Instead the respective advertising platform decides which Attribution Windows to offer.

However, we see significant increases in the number of attributed conversions, especially with very high CPAs and long customer journeys. This means the longer attribution windows offered by the platforms start to work better again when using Mable data.

Does Mable track in real time?

Yes, the average transmission time of Mable is less than 10 seconds.

Does Mable have an impact on page speed?

The Mable App/ Plugin is especially optimised for page speed. The size of the package is less than 50 kb and is therefore very small compared to other tools.